The Case for Hygienically Clean Reusable PPE

Hygienically Clean Reusable PPE

Hygienically Clean Reusable PPE—Insights from the National Academies Workshop

Ensuring the availability and reliability of PPE is vital for the safety of healthcare workers and patients alike. Recently, a workshop convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) highlighted the significant benefits of using hygienically clean reusable PPE in healthcare environments. This blog explores the key findings from the workshop and emphasizes why hygienically clean reusable PPE should be a priority for healthcare facilities.

High Quality and Safety Standards

When certified as hygienically clean, reusable healthcare textiles, such as scrubs, coats, and barrier gowns, meet the highest safety and performance standards. Robust protocols ensure the integrity and safety of these garments, adhering to guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This approach guarantees that healthcare facilities can rely on clean and safe reusable textiles, providing a superior alternative to disposable options.

Environmental Sustainability

One of the most compelling arguments for reusable PPE is its reduced environmental impact. The research discussed at the NASEM workshop demonstrated that a single reusable gown could replace up to 75 disposable gowns. Moreover, using reusable surgical gowns can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 66%. This significant reduction in waste and environmental footprint underscores the sustainability benefits of adopting reusable PPE.

Cost Savings

The financial advantages of reusable PPE are substantial. Hospitals utilizing reusable isolation gowns report a 52% cost saving compared to disposable products. Additionally, other reusable healthcare textiles, such as surgical gowns and incontinence pads, can deliver up to 90% cost savings. These savings can be redirected towards other critical areas of patient care, enhancing overall healthcare efficiency.

Enhanced Pandemic Preparedness

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerabilities of relying solely on single-use PPE. During the crisis, healthcare providers faced severe supply shortages, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that includes both reusable and disposable PPE. Reusable textiles provide a resilient supply option, ensuring healthcare facilities are better prepared for future public health emergencies.

Legislative and Regulatory Support

The workshop also highlighted the need for legislative and regulatory changes to promote the use of reusable PPE. Dr. Maryann D’Alessandro, director of the National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL), emphasized the necessity of legislative support to realize the potential benefits of reusable PPE. Efforts by TRSA and its members have already led to a bipartisan congressional request to study and increase the use of reusable healthcare textiles.


The NASEM workshop validated the numerous benefits of hygienically clean reusable PPE, from environmental sustainability and cost savings to enhanced safety and pandemic preparedness. Greater use of reusable textiles in healthcare must become a national priority. By embracing reusable PPE, healthcare facilities can protect their staff and patients, reduce their environmental impact, and achieve significant cost savings.

For more information on the benefits of reusable PPE and how your facility can transition to using hygienically clean reusable textiles, please visit TRSA’s official page or contact us for a consultation.


TRSA. (2024). National Academies Workshop Validates the Benefits of Reusable PPE.